Thursday 2 August 2012

Time to move ...on

I think my honeymoon with the family is over and am just going to try to get the filming I wanted done before I move on. Have had some issues with the 4 year old who is fairly strong willed (and strong) and just wants to mess with either you or whatever you are doing. Have felt emotionally and physically exhausted dealing with him so have tried to put some boundaries but this hasn't gone down well with one of the sisters who adores him, so now I am not talked to.

Another of the sisters had asked me to stay longer so I could go to her secret boyfriend's party, but she is not going now (her boyfriend says she is too jealous and I agree - she tried to get me to tell him to give her his Facebook password so she could check up on him - I said no. So am not the favourite there either).

The father has been angry about things - one is about one of the daughters and a cousin staying here not looking for work. Other things I don't know what it's about.

The photo below is of the building I am staying in. There are so many of these looming dull buildings full of migrants in such a non-descript landscape next to busy freeways, it could be anywhere. I find it depressing.


  1. Sounds hard-that would be my main fear of traveling again-not having enough space to myself.......getting home to my empty house after day at work always restores my sanity!

    1. Yes, same. I feel bad, continually going against their cultural norm, which is being together all the time. Which is one reason why I really like them and they can make you feel so accepted

  2. Part of them, without having to do anything. Really nice. But then I let the side down by needing space.. Oh well.
